Stories I Love: Justified

Hoo, boy. This post is one that’s been a long time coming, and almost didn’t happen this week, either. But when my husband shared that a friend is currently watching this Story I Love as comfort viewing, I knew I had to suck it up. Who knows? If you’re a stranger to Harlan County, this may be the comfort you need to get you through until your next delivery of ice cream and/or alcohol. (Future blog readers, assuming there are any: we’re currently seven months or so into the Covid Times.) Harlan County, Kentucky, is the setting for the crime Read more…

Pursuing the Pandemic Productivity Delusion

I’m feeling pretty scattered lately. We all are, right? Checking our latest local Covid numbers, or forecasts for the Gulf of Mexico, or wildfires, or… asteroids. <Sigh> I feel like I need some dude with a light saber (and preferably decent sentence structure) to teach me how to F-o-c-u-s. I’ve read so many books and articles and blog posts about productivity and how to best start your day, blah-de-blah-de-blah. Not that I don’t think there isn’t value in their advice. (Was that too many negatives? I’ve been doing Russian on Duolingo, and that language’s approach to negation blows my mind Read more…