Back to Lazarus is now available on Amazon for Kindle

Just a quick update for those of you (all three) who have been watching and waiting–my mystery novel Back to Lazarus is now live on Amazon for Kindle. Yay! (In my best Dancing Kermit voice.) I have to say, the technology hasn’t been as painful as I feared it would be. The novel was originally written in Microsoft Word, but when I decided to self-publish, I imported it into Scrivener. I cannot say enough good things about Scrivener, although I did have a few heart-stopping moments when I was afraid my Bad Tech Vibes had managed to overcome even its resilient functionality. The Read more…

Book Chi: Is there an EReader App for that?

I’m about to wrap up the rough draft of a novella, so of course I’m writing a blog entry instead. But, as I like to preface many of the things I tell my closest friends, “This [blog entry] is not a total non sequitur.” (Which implies that it is at least a partial one.) I was prompted to try a novella that follows my private investigator Sydney Brennan by two things: resistance in writing the second Sydney Brennan novel, and the Black Orchid novella award, a contest put on by the Wolfe Pack and Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine for unpublished Read more…