Free Creepy Reads, Because It’s Too Hot to Sleep

Red-haired woman contemplatingSo, hey, it’s been a while, huh? I’ve been… contemplating. (I thought you might appreciate the Sydney-esque hair; I know I would.) And I’ve still got a bunch of contemplating to do about how I’m moving forward in various places. Gee, that’s not vague! 😜

But I wanted to pop my toes back in here at the Blog to start building the habit again, and specifically to share something you might enjoy.

This month, contemplate trying something new with sixty-nine authors giving away free Creepy Reads.

Mwah-ha-hah! These are mysteries and thrillers that are great to curl up with (if you have A/C and are capable of curling up) but are not cozy. Just in case the skull graphic isn’t clear.

You’ll find series books and standalones, complete books and short stories, police procedurals and medical thrillers and everything in between.

Book One in my Dead Hollow series is part of the fun. You can download a twenty-four chapter excerpt of Prodigal—a third of the book—to see if the crime thriller with a dash of supernatural is for you. Or if it’s too creepy.

So click on the skulls (I’ve always wanted to say that) and download some new free books today!
