Days of Listening: A Full Series Audiobook Giveaway for Those Who Like Some Woo-Woo in their Crime Thrillers

I’ve been stalking myself for the past couple of weeks. Well, stalking my books anyway, checking retailers and dashboards every day (maybe a few times a day). And yesterday, finally… IT’S ALIVE!! By “It,” I mean the audiobook version of Heir, Book Three of the Dead Hollow trilogy, which has taken forever (in my best annoyed kid voice) to go live on Audible. That means, as promised last blog post, we’re going to do something fun. But first, a quick intro for those of you who aren’t familiar with Dead Hollow. The crime thriller series with a dash of the supernatural is Read more…

Stories I Love: Another Year, Another Dead Body with the Inimitable Amelia Peabody

I had intended to do something fun this week to celebrate the release of the Heir audiobook—woo hoo! Except Heir isn’t actually showing up on most stores yet, so less woo and more boo. 😢 Retailers are being slow as pahoehoe. (A 5.5 Kilauea-adjacent earthquake woke us a few nights ago, so lava flows are on my mind.) That leaves me scrambling at the last minute for a blog post, which means it’s time for a Story I Love I could write in my (non-earthquake-interrupted) sleep. Another dead body. Every year it is the same. Every year, another dead body…” Read more…

The Solution for Troublesome Timelines? Driving Epiphanies and Cheap Therapy

Last blog post, I confessed that I have no future in professional landscaping. Well, I have a confession of a different sort today. I know — all writers with blogs know — that our readers don’t care how we write. Much like a gemstone or a perfect meal, you/we (because writers are also readers) don’t want to hear about the millions of years of pressure, the raw ingredients (especially if they’re eggs), or the hours of staring at the screen. We just want the dazzling results on our finger, our plate, or our #TBR (To Be Read list). And yet, Read more…