First Friday Free Mystery Fiction!

I’m leaving this here to remind you that I share a previously unpublished mystery short story on the first Friday of every month. You have a week to read the story on my Blog before it vanishes into the cyber ether. My newsletter subscribers have the option of downloading these stories, plus a couple more, to read at their leisure. You can subscribe in the sidebar. Hint, hint. 😉 See you back here on the First Friday…

Days of Listening: A Full Series Audiobook Giveaway for Those Who Like Some Woo-Woo in their Crime Thrillers

I’ve been stalking myself for the past couple of weeks. Well, stalking my books anyway, checking retailers and dashboards every day (maybe a few times a day). And yesterday, finally… IT’S ALIVE!! By “It,” I mean the audiobook version of Heir, Book Three of the Dead Hollow trilogy, which has taken forever (in my best annoyed kid voice) to go live on Audible. That means, as promised last blog post, we’re going to do something fun. But first, a quick intro for those of you who aren’t familiar with Dead Hollow. The crime thriller series with a dash of the supernatural is Read more…

Win a Paperback of Back to Lazarus Now on Magpie Moments: The (Name) Origin Story

“… This is Sydney Brennan. So she says. I haven’t decided what her real name is yet.” I tried not to cringe. I changed my name legally over a decade ago, but it still felt like a deep, dark secret I could be arrested for. Oh, the irony if he managed to guess my real name. I stammered a “nice to meet you.” Back to Lazarus, Richard introducing Sydney to his secretary, Chapter 10 She may not have been born with that name, but I never thought my private investigator would be called anything other than Sydney Brennan. I’ve probably Read more…