Checking In, After Checking Out

I missed the blog post last week—for reasons I’ll share below—and I’ve been mostly off email and social media lately, so I wanted to at least do a quick check-in today. How is everybody? Between the ridiculous cold in the United States and the ridiculous heat in Australia, I’m guessing a decent number of responses would be, “Fairly shitty, but thanks for asking.” Or at least, fairly uncomfortable. I can’t complain about comfort. Here in East Hawaii, we’ve had nothing extraordinary temperature- or precipitation-wise (although we could use some rain as our roads and catchment tanks are feeling parched). But Read more…

Ring in the New Year with a Freshly Filled E-reader!

I mentioned last week that I’ve been swamped by a bunch of behind-the-scenes stuff. Pssstt… guess who’ll be featured by BookBub tomorrow. 😳 Scary cool, huh? Cross your fingers that I have a good run. And if you have not yet picked up the first Sydney Brennan Mystery Back to Lazarus for free, do so now because I will be making it a paid (albeit modestly so) book soon after the BookBub runs. I’ll share more on that and some other changes in a future blog post. But today, I have something fun! Speaking of free things, let me spin Read more…

The Magical Power of Words, Holiday Edition

I’m swamped by a bunch of behind-the-scenes stuff now, so I’m going to keep this blog post short and sweet. And I’ll be back again next Friday with a bonus post you don’t want to miss. Mwah-ha-hah! Without being too precious about it (although I did say sweet), reading and writing—the conjuring and sharing of worlds that otherwise wouldn’t exist—have always felt magical to me. Of course I’m not alone. If you’re looking for a satisfying way to pass as much time as you’re willing to spare, just google quotes about  the magical power of words. I’ll limit myself to Read more…

Of Pot Bellies and Piddlers: A Pack Update

“I love your dogs.” That’s how I introduced myself to one of the panelists at the writers’ conference I attended last month. Not that I didn’t appreciate the writing and marketing wisdom I’d gleaned from her interviews and articles over the years. But I was jet-lagged, and sleep-deprived, and super-saturated with everything I’d learned at the conference to that point. So what I could remember and articulate was, “I love your dogs.” (She has Viszlas.) I haven’t shared a pack update in a while because they’ve had some challenges, and I try not share things that might bring you down. Read more…

Spreading a Little Holiday (and Audiobook) Cheer!

You may have noticed that the blog post is coming out on Saturday instead of my usual Friday. (If not, maybe you need to look around and see if you’re at work when you’re not supposed to be.) There’s a reason for the change in schedule, which I’ll get to in a bit. As I told my Reader Group folks (aka Newsletter, for those of you who aren’t cool kids), this week I approved the first twenty-minute sample of my Heir audiobook—yay! I’m so excited to wrap up the trilogy in audio (you can get it in ebook or paperback Read more…