Even Dictionaries Love the South

Consider this a mini-post, something I ran across in my tippy-tapping way and just had to share. I do all of my fiction writing in Scrivener. The program doesn’t have the greatest spell-check, but it does have the requisite handy-dandy, built-in dictionary/thesaurus. Some entries have extra features, like a Word Spectrum to help you distinguish where your word falls in meaning relative to similar words. Others have a Choose the Right Word discussion box to help you–shockingly–choose the right word among a group of synonyms, or an Origins box discussing … well, it’s not super hero stories. You might recall that Read more…

Peeking at Process: The Mad Writer’s Laptop Exterior

I may have mentioned this before, but I am a sucker for office supplies. I walk into an office supply store, and I feel almost giddy with the possibilities. It’s a combination of 1) looking for the perfect product that will finally fix my organizational impairments and make me the efficient, fully optimized human I always knew I could be, and 2) making sure I have enough of anything I might need in case of office supply emergency. (Oddly enough, now that I live in Hawaii, when the boats get off schedule I see empty office supply shelves far less Read more…

Challenges of the WayBack Machine: the Summer of Boarding Up (and Staying That Way)

My previous blog post, Writing Stories in a Version of the Real World, covered why I set the first Sydney Brennan novel in 2004. But what does it mean to set something in a particular time, especially one that’s not quite historical (despite what your teenagers may say)? Is the author bound to the fashions of the time? (For the record, I feel like we’ve endured the skinny, yet somehow saggy-assed, jeans for far too long; let’s move on, people!) Does it mean you’re bound to the particular news events of the time? That you have to make contemporaneous entertainment references Read more…

Writing Stories in a Version of the (11 years ago) Real World

Now that The Perils of Panacea is in beta-land, one of my projects has been getting Sydney’s World organized. I write in Scrivener now, but I transitioned to that program after writing Back to Lazarus, and I still haven’t figured out a note-taking system that works for me. That means I have notes in multiple formats, on multiple devices, in multiple notebooks and maybe even on parchment in the freezer. (Just kidding—the items on the parchment in the freezer is not for public consumption.) Yesterday I started a new Scrivener file that I hope will be my Master File, the Read more…

What a Good Girl Am I (But Apparently Not Good Enough)

As frenetic as the energy can be leading up to the Christmas holiday, I love the days afterward when everything seems to slow down. (Except the hopping party at a neighbor’s house last night; the cops silenced their thumping bass just before 3 a.m.) I was apparently a very good girl this year because various Santas gave me a stack of yummy books I can’t wait to devour. I haven’t started them yet. First, because a library book demanded my attention, and second, because… I don’t know why. I’m a doofus. Or because I have a big editing itch now, Read more…