Guess Who I’ve Been Writing About… Getting Reacquainted with my Protagonist, Sydney Brennan

Yes, the blog post is late today (unless you live in Hawaii like me), but for good reason. Not just because I ran off this morning to get my hair cut—that’s not a good reason for you (although you’d think it was if you had to stare at the random high humidity curl in my bangs every morning). Nope, the good reason it’s late is that instead of staying up last night into the wee hours writing my blog post, I stayed up last night into the wee-ish hours (the hours when you most have to go to the bathroom?) Read more…

Return of the Lunatic (Post-It) Fringe: More Writer’s Notes to Self

A few nights ago, we were heading to bed when my husband said, “I like your laptop.” Yeah, seemed like a non sequitur to me, too. Then he added, “It’s like you smashed something in there, and all the ideas are squishing out.” Ahh… Not a total non sequitur after all. He’d just evicted the cat from our dog Fritz’s crate (Ninja loves Fritz’s new bed, and the pit bull is too much of a wuss to kick him out), and the crate is directly behind my desk where rests my frilly laptop. I’ve previously confessed my love of/unhealthy addiction Read more…

Book Release News, and More Compound Words for Dummies (Like Me)

Things have been a little crazy-making lately here at the Writer’s Desk. Good crazy-making, but crazy-making nonetheless, causing great difficulties for said desk to fulfill its designated purpose. In other words, there’s not been so much of the story writing. 😛 I’ll share some juicy details about the best of the crazy-making another day, but today I have some news (news that will not be “new” if you’ve subscribed to my Newsletter—hint, hint). First off, the identity of the manuscript that various non-writing tasks have been keeping me from… Founder, Book Two of the Dead Hollow trilogy, is currently with Read more…

A Tale of Two, Three, Four? Paperbacks

Hello, Happy Readers! Apologies for the long time, no blog. I’m excited to break the incommunicado streak (Jimmy Buffett earworm, anyone?) and let you know it’s in a good cause and there are cool things on the very near horizon. I’m wiggling in my chair just thinking about it. And not in the way dingbat dog Mr. Dribbles (aka Travis) wiggles by the door. If you’re a Newsletter subscriber, be sure to check your Inbox this weekend. And if you’re not, why aren’t you? 😉 With that tease out of the way, I thought I’d share the latest in Prodigal’s Read more…

Grab Your Flashlight and Follow the Crazy Lady (Muse, That Is)

I spent much of yesterday morning messing up my website (that wasn’t my goal, I can assure you), and then desperately trying to restore it to its former not-so-glorious, but also not-so-crappy state. My afternoon and much of this morning was devoted to messing up my print files and trying to get Prodigal paperbacks placed with other distributors. Do you see a pattern here? No—not the part where I mess things up. The part where I do things other than writing… That’s right, I finally finished the rough rough (made your dogs look) draft of the second Dead Hollow book. Read more…